Sunday, November 16, 2008

Liquid Leggings...Love or Loathe?

These pleather leggings seem to be popping up everywhere this season. I still don't know quite what to think about this bold fashion statement. At first glance I was reminded of Sandy in the closing scene of Grease. And now I think they are a bit tacky. What are your thoughts on this trend? Would you wear them?

1 comment:

Westy said...

It has actually taken me awhile to decide whether or not I like these leggings as well. At first I thought they were way taky, but I think I have decided that they are growing on me. I have seen them paired with a really nice, simple top and they really look good. I think this is the way to go with these leggings. They can really add alot to a simple top. I have also seen the leggings with bright flashy outfits and I'd have to say this is when they tend to look a little tacky. So they can go either way depending on just how smart you are with what you wear with them!